As a company whose day to day operations are part of people purchasing & refinancing homes, it would be easy to forget that homelessness is a real problem for many. Our USA Cares recipient for July was Community Linc, an organization whose day-to-day focus is that very thing. Community Linc is a non-profit focused on building better futures for homeless families. They were nominated by our Chief Financial Officer, Chris Purcell.
Community Linc’s purpose isn’t just finding accommodations for families who are without housing. As their mission statement says, their goal is “To end homelessness, impact poverty and remove barriers to self-sufficiency for the families (they) serve.”
Community Linc uses the Housing First model to help families in the Kansas City area build a more secure future. Community Linc offers four main program areas: Interim Housing, Immediate Housing, Support Services, and Aftercare Services. According to their website, 85% of the families they have assisted have remained housed & self-sufficient for five years. Though they have served 4,246 families since their beginning in 1987, the number of families without consistent housing is still significant. It is estimated that nationwide, families make up over 30% of the homeless population.
In helping to secure housing, and addressing any other obstacles or barriers, Community Linc is ending the cycle of homelessness for many families. We are fortunate to have this organization in our community and are honored to have had the opportunity to support their mission.
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